Thursday, 20 June 2013

Volunteering abroad

Have you thought about going abroad as a volunteer? Don’t think any more, act. 

There are so many possibilities out there and you can be sure that you will find a project that suits you.
It’s possible that you’re asking yourself why you should work without getting paid. Volunteering can’t be valued in money, it’s an experience that’s invaluable. You will grow as a human being, you will meet new people, you will discover a new country, you will get experiences that you wouldn't probably get having an ordinary employment.

To get more information if you’re between 18 to 30 visit the information site for the European Voluntary Service.

There are a big number of local organisations all over the world that can help you to become a volunteer. Best way to find them is to use the internet. If you’re living in or in the surroundings of Szczecin, Poland you can contact the POLITES association.

Take the chance, become a volunteer!

Welcome to the European Volunteers in Szczecin blog

We’re happy to see that you found our blog and we hope you will enjoy it. This blog will be a complement to our Facebook page, our intuition with this blog is to give you a more detailed view of our stay here. So stay tuned and you will be able to get to know us better through interviews, portraits etc.. You will also be able to read more about our adventures here in Szczecin.

Best regards 
European Volunteers in Szczecin